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Upgrading Glock Pins

Locking Block Pin (middle) shows wear and should be replaced.

Recently, I was asked if I thought “upgrading” to stainless steel or titanium pins for Glock pistols was a good idea. That opened up a whole conversation on aftermarket upgrades and modifications for duty weapons. My first thought was its not necessary or authorized by Glock, but if it will make the shooter feel more confident of his or her weapon, then I’m okay with it. My professional answer is that it’s not authorized by Glock, cost between 100-200 percent more than stock pins and yes, stainless steel and titanium pins also bend and break. You’ll know your locking block pin is broken because your pistol’s slide may randomly lock to the rear when you still have rounds left in the magazine.

I’ve seen my fair share of bent, worn and broken locking block pins and trigger pins, but not enough of them to make me say that the stock Glock pins need to be upgraded. Most of the damaged or broken pins have been on the .40 cal. models and a couple of 9mm models on SWAT officers’ or other officers' who train a lot. If you are consistently breaking and bending pins in you Glock, you should have your pistol inspected by your agencies Armorer or local Gunsmith. There might be something else going on that needs to be addressed. As recoil springs weaken (this is normal), the added stress may weaken other parts of your pistol, such as pins and locking blocks.

Let’s take a step back and acknowledge that since the beginning of pistol competitions, shooters have been trying to shave, tweak, improve and modify their revolvers and pistols. It’s no different than car enthusiasts changing stock air filter systems and using the hundreds of aftermarket parts now available. Many of us like to dress up our cars and trucks, adding this-and-that, changing stock parts for shiny custom parts. There is a difference between weapon upgrades and weapon modifications. I believe changing stock pins to stainless or titanium pins is a modification and NOT an upgrade.

I will change out pins on off-duty, privately owned pistols, but not on duty weapons. I remember being told by a wise firearm instructor at my agency… “If officers have extra money at the end of the month and want to purchase something for their weapon, they should invest in ammunition to train with”.

“GLOCK” is a federally registered trademark of Glock, Inc. and is one of many trademarks owned by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H.

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